How Sex Can Improve Mental Health

Does More Sex = Less Stress?

If it does…

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and to bring awareness, we’re talking about… sex?

Hear us out. It sounds crazy, but having more sex can have a positive impact on your mood and physical health! In fact, studies show that sex actually has multiple positive effects on your overall health.

“So you’re telling me having more sex will make all my problems go away?”

Not necessarily, but here are three ways that sex can improve your overall mental health!

1. Sex Can Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Let’s make one thing clear, sex is not a cure-all, but those feeling you get during sex can temporarily reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin are hormones and chemicals released during sex which can boost mood, increase compassion, and help you bond with your partner. While the levels of these chemicals increase during sex, the level of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, decreases. Thus, more sex, less stress.

2. Sex Can Be Considered Light Exercise

Ok, sex isn’t a true workout routine,  but it can be considered light exercise, and let’s be honest, it sure beats going to the gym. One study found that with just 25 minutes of sex, men burned nearly 100 calories, while women burned about 69 calories. Although you’re not burning near the amount as you would in a normal workout routine, you’re still engaging in physical activity, which is good for your mental health! Exercise has been shown to help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, so if you don’t feel like hitting the gym today, a little sex might suffice.

3. Sex Helps You Sleep Better

Getting the right amount of sleep is crucial to your mental and physical health. If you find yourself having trouble sleeping, try getting it on with your partner before bed. The hormones released during sex help you to feel more relaxed which will have you sleeping better in no time! Plus, if you reach an orgasm, a hormone called prolactin is released, making you even sleepier.

So Does More Sex = Less Stress? Our verdict: Yes

Get it on and reduce that stress! If you want to enhance your (s)experience, check out these Seductions Essentials! Need help finding the right lingerie or bedroom toys? Come visit one of our many locations and let one of our in-store romance experts find what right for you!

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